Pay Periods
The standard pay period runs from Monday to Sunday, FSS provides the opportunity for all employees to have their weekly wages deposited directly into an account instead of being issued a paycheck. FSS strongly encourages you to participate in the program as it insures faster and more secure access to your money. For example, for all hourly employees, in any week without a holiday, your direct deposited funds will be available to you when your financial institution opens Thursday morning. On the occasion that Thursday is a bank holiday; funds will be available on Wednesday morning. Please note that in all cases you are responsible for
verifying the deposit has been made prior to spending the funds. A direct deposit paystub will be mailed to you each week detailing your pay and deductions.
In order to implement direct deposit, you are required to complete the Company’s Direct Deposit Agreement Form. A voided check must be attached to the enrollment form for account validation. You may submit set up instructions that you obtain from your financial institution, but a signature on a dated Direct Deposit Agreement Form is required before direct deposit can begin. Please be aware that it takes a minimum of at least one full payroll cycle to validate your direct deposit information. It may take up to three weeks from the time
the form is received for your direct deposit to begin.
If you choose not to participate in direct deposit, checks will continue to be mailed to the address on record on the 3rd business day following the end of the pay period, but the Company does not guarantee what day the check will arrive. If your check is not received within seven days, it will be replaced. (Example: last day worked in the pay period is Saturday the 9th; pay period ends on Sunday the 10th; check is mailed no later than Wednesday the 13th. If the check is not received by Wednesday the 20th, it will be replaced. Non-union employees are paid every two weeks. Union employees are paid per the applicable Union Contract.
If your check is lost or stolen, you should notify your supervisor or the Payroll Department immediately. In the case of a loss or theft, the Payroll Department will attempt to stop payment on the check and reissue a new one. However, the employee is solely responsible for any monetary loss, and the Company will not be responsible for the loss or theft of a check if it cannot stop payment on the check. A check mailed by the Company will not be
considered lost until 7 days have passed from the date it was mailed.
All required deductions, such as federal and state taxes and any voluntary deductions, will be indicated on a detachable portion of your paycheck. Please review your paycheck carefully. If you find an error, report it immediately to your supervisor so that it can be corrected.
If your paycheck is lost or stolen report it immediately to your supervisor.
No one will be allowed to pick up your paycheck without your verbal and written consent or without proof of identification – no exceptions!
Any questions regarding this policy may be directed to your supervisor or to the Payroll Department
Overtime Pay:
Nonexempt non-union employees who work over forty hours in a workweek are eligible for overtime. Non-worked hours such as PTO, ill time or personal time off are not counted as time worked for overtime calculation purposes.
Nonexempt union employees who work over forty hours in a workweek will receive time and one-half for time beyond forty hours pay in accordance with the applicable Union Contract.
Certain non-union employees are non-exempt but may be paid on a salary basis. Such salary is intended to cover the straight time portion of all hours worked. If a salaried nonexempt employee works over 40 hours in a week they will receive the .5 overtime premium for the hours worked over 40, calculated at the regular rate of pay for the week.
Employees must receive approval in advance prior to working overtime. If your supervisor asks you to work overtime, whenever possible we will attempt to give you adequate notice. However, due to business and/or customer demands, advance notice may not always be possible.