Hazard Communication
A full copy of our hazard communication program and chemical Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are on record at the main office. This is a brief overview.
The following are required per this program:
1. Employees are to be informed and trained on the Hazardous Communication Standard.
2. Safety Data Sheets are available for all products used in the workplace.
3. All containers are labeled to identify the product per GHS requirements.
4. Employees have been furnished with and trained in the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the event of exposure to a potentially hazardous product.Hazardous Materials Hazardous materials are substances or mixtures that may cause personal injury, illness, or a threat to the public or environment during handling, use, discharge or disposal.
You have a right to understand what you are working with.
Know where and how to obtain your company’s on-site SDSs (Safety Data Sheets).
DO NOT dispose of any materials in sewers or on the ground.
DO NOT dispose of used containers in the trash bins unless authorized by your Supervisor.
Leave the original label on all containers.
Store hazardous materials only in approved areas.
DO NOT clean up chemical spills. Notify your Supervisor.
Always use proper protective clothing and equipment.
Know what chemicals you are working with and the proper procedures to follow.
Only bring on-site the amount of chemicals needed for the task in hand.
Ensure that all secondary containers are properly labeled per GHS requirements.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the product you’re working with, contact your
Supervisor immediately.
Asbestos Awareness
Company employees are not to handle materials containing asbestos. If you are working in a building that was built in 1985 or earlier, the General Contractor or building owner will be responsible to provide a survey detailing where asbestos-containing material may be present. Training will be provided as required. If any unknown material is suspected to contain asbestos, stop work immediately and inform your Supervisor.
Lead Awareness
During renovation projects of buildings built prior to 1980, the General Contractor or building owner will be responsible to provide a survey detailing if lead based products, such as lead based paint, is present. If lead is present, a site-specific lead safety plan will be developed and training provided as required. If any unknown material is suspected to contain lead, stop work immediately and contact your Supervisor.
Mold Awareness
During the course of work on any Company projects mold is encountered, notify your Supervisor immediately. A specific written work plan and training will be required prior to returning to work.
Silica Awareness
During certain work activities, workers may be exposed to levels of silica dust when cutting, drilling, grinding, or disturbing materials that contain silica. These materials and tasks are common on construction jobs. Breathing that dust can lead to illnesses. During these activates a respirator should be worn. Please see the respirator policy below. It is important to recognize the hazard, understand the risk factors, and work safely with silica.