Emergency Action Planning
All Emergency Action Plans are to be coordinated at the site level and must be incorporated into your Pre-Task Plan.
Site level, means the rules or plans for each site you may work on. Each General Contractor, will provide site specific orientation, which will include details about how we are to respond in an emergency while at that site. In addition to what the General Contractor outlines during orientation, there will be site specific rules provided by Fred Shearer and Sons, and your site supervisor.
Some of the things that need to be considered are:
Where are the exits?
What is my gathering location?
What do I do in a fire emergency?
What are site specific fire fighting procedures?
What do I do in a medical emergency?
What do I do if there is a chemical emergency?
Your site may have additional considerations that require planning, but answering these types of basic questions before an actual emergency will allow you to respond in an informed/ prepared way and will help keep you and those around you safe.