Personal Appearance
All employees are required to dress appropriately for their job duties. We provide professional skills and services to our clients and our appearance must reflect the pride we take in our work. Clothes must be neat and in good repair. No profane or vulgar sayings on clothing, hats, pins, logos or any attire is allowed. Logo wear of the Company or of our customers is allowed. Logo wear of our competitors is not allowed. It is within the sole discretion of the Company to determine if the logo wear is that of a competitor. Plasterers and tapers are to
wear whites. No tank tops or sleeveless shirts are allowed.
Clothing or other matters of personal appearance which, in the sole discretion of your supervisor, detract from the Company’s professionalism must be changed. If an employee reports to work in inappropriate attire, he/she will be directed to go home and change clothes. They will not be paid for his/her time away from work.