Fire Protection / Hot Work
A fire on any of our projects could be devastating. Fire prevention is a function of planning, organization, housekeeping and safe work practices by all employees.
Fire extinguishers will be provided in our work areas on the project and in special hot work areas such as the cut stations. All workers and management personnel should be trained to identify the appropriate fire extinguisher and when to call for professional assistance. Emergency fire procedures and medical services should be posted on the project. If a fire occurs, call 911! (or as designated by facility protocols). Do not attempt to extinguish a fire unless it is small and able to be easily contained. Fire extinguishers should be used to get you out of the building safely. Do not waste them on a fire that cannot be controlled. When working in existing facilities, project safety plans and protocols specifically relating to the project must be developed in conjunction with the facilities personnel.
Hot Work
Defined as the use of open flames, other heat sources, and/or spark producing devices in areas where combustible or flammable materials are present and/or where there is potential for explosion or fire. Hot work activities include burning, welding, cutting, grinding or other operations that produce a flame, heat, or sparks.
Prior to performing “Hot Work” operations, workers will obtain a Hot Work Permit. All hot work will require a person designated as fire watch and ensure no fires are produced up to 30 minutes after the hot work activity is complete.
Prior to performing any hot work, workers will be trained in the following:
A review of the work to be performed,
Precautions to be taken,
Emergency procedure in case of fire,
How to use the fire extinguisher correctly