Safety Committee
In compliance with OSHA rule, Fred Shearer and Sons has a thriving Safety Committee.
There are four things our safety committee must do.
1.Meet monthly, OSHA requires that we meet once a month as a committee to address safety concerns.
2.In accordance to OSAH regulations we keep a records of each meeting and save them for three years. Hazards identified at safety committee meetings always include recommendations for correcting them and a correction date.
3.We define procedures for workplace safety and health inspections and develop procedures for conducting workplace inspections that include where the inspections are conducted, who conducts them, and how often.
4. Other information
•Meeting date
•Attendees’ names
•Safety and health issues discussed; include hazards involving tools, equipment, the work environment, and work practices
•Recommendations for correcting hazards and reasonable deadlines for management to respond
•Name of the person who will follow up on the recommendations
•All other committee reports, evaluations, and recommendations
The Safety Committee strives to accomplish these tasks:
•Work with management to establish accident investigation procedures that will identify hazards and ensure that they are corrected.
•Establish a system for employees to report hazards to management and suggest how to correct hazards.
•Establish a procedure for reviewing inspection reports and making recommendations to management.
•Evaluate all accident and incident investigations and recommend how to prevent them from happening again.
•Make safety committee meeting minutes available for all employees to review.
•Evaluate how management holds employees accountable for working safely and recommend ways to strengthen accountability. Examples include evaluating the effectiveness of safety incentives, disciplinary policies, and employee participation in identifying hazards.