Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is equipment designed and intended for individual protection at the workplace. PPE includes hard hats, eye and face protection, hearing protection, respiratory protection, hand protection (gloves), personal fall protection equipment, and specialized clothing. All PPE that is required will be supplied at no cost to employees.
Company personnel will have PPE explained to them at the project orientation. Once you have been trained on PPE, it is your responsibility to see that it is maintained in a safe condition. Inspect it daily.
Some items may be furnished for a specific use or project-only use. This equipment will be signed out to you specifically. You will be personally responsible for its care and responsible for returning the equipment in reasonable condition before leaving the project. (See Fall Protection Manual)
Hard Hats: Hard hats are mandatory for all individuals on a project when required. Hard hats must meet the ANSI standard and must be properly labeled.
Eye Protection: Eye protection is required 100% of the time. Special or high eye injury potential work process requires use of additional eye/face protection. Examples include: welding, chipping, chop saws, and grinding. Appropriate eye and face protection must be used in accordance with the task specific JHA.
Hearing Protection: When ambient or local noise levels exceed 85 dba, hearing protection is
required (At 85 dba, you must speak loudly to be heard). Always use clean earplugs.
Respirators: The Company strongly encourages the use of a dust mask when working in or around a dusty environment. There may be situations when the use of a respirator will be required. At that time a job specific respirator policy will be enacted.
Glove Policy: To protect against cuts and abrasions and minimize the potential for chemical exposure, proper hand protection will be required at all times while performing work. Use the glove identified in the task specific JHA or as outlined by the products SDS. Contact the safety department if assistance is needed
Fall Protection: Fall Protection is required when a fall exposure exists over six feet, no exceptions. Fall protection training and a fall protection plan must be in place prior to use
Footwear: Work boots are required on all jobsites. It is recommended that employees buy high quality work boots that are non-permeable and provide over the ankle support. Steel toe boots may be required for certain tasks. Romeos, Tennis shoes or cloth boots are not allowed.
High Visibility Apparel (Hi- Vis): All employees are required to wear high visibility colored shirts, or safety vests for all construction projects. High visibility colors include a safety orange or green. While working around heavy equipment or road work with limited lighting, type II high visibility apparel with reflective strips will be required.