Any language or action taken by one employee against another employee or employees that can reasonably be interpreted as violent or threats of violence or aggression is absolutely prohibited, regardless of the intent. Any similar actions taken against or by a former employee, customer, client, family member, member of the public or current employee is absolutely prohibited. The Company has a “zero tolerance” policy for such action.
The Company will take prompt disciplinary action against any employee engaging in workplace conduct, which could be interpreted, as violent or aggressive, regardless of the intent of the individual. In addition, the Company may contact the police or other law enforcement agency to intervene or to prosecute violators of this policy to the maximum
extent allowable.
Employees, former employees, customers and visitors are prohibited from bringing firearms, weapons, or drugs (including Marijuana) into the workplace or to locations where company business is being conducted. It is within the sole discretion of the Company to determine if an item constitutes a weapon.
Employees who engage in any of the above-described behavior will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
Employees have a “duty to warn” if they are aware of any suspicious workplace activity. This includes threats or acts of violence, aggressive behavior, etc. If an employee is being threatened outside of work by an acquaintance or family, notify your supervisor so that appropriate workplace precautions can be taken in the best interest of you and your coworkers.