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The safety and health of all Company and subcontractor personnel is a fundamental objective of the Company’s mission. Therefore, safety is a value that must be thoroughly integrated within all aspects of our operations to build the best components and facilities for our clients. Management and job site personnel must be willing to accept personal as well as collective safety responsibilities in order to maintain a safe working environment. All policies in this handbook are to be reviewed and followed by all employees.

In an effort to support the mission of safety, management will:

  • Promote safety on and off the job

  • Implement progressive accident prevention programs, processes, systems a techniques

  • Provide a work environment in which identified hazards are reduced and controlled when elimination is not feasible

  • Work with government, labor, employees, and other organizations to optimize employee safety


Site managers will:

  • Promote safety on and off the job

  • Be responsible and accountable for a superior level of safety performance

  • Institute work practices, which reflect the safest, most efficient methods available for accomplishing the required tasks

  • Educate and train individuals regarding on-the-job and off-the-job hazards

All personnel will:

  • Perform their work in the safest possible manner

  • Conduct themselves in a way that enhances their personal safety and that of their fellow workers

  • Report workplace hazards to their supervisor and make suggestions for their control

  • Cooperate and contribute toward the overall success of the safety program

  • Have the ability to “stop the work” if they, or their coworkers, are at risk of an injury

It is imperative that all construction hazards be identified, appropriately evaluated, and
effectively controlled in order to prevent accidents and their consequences. This worthwhile
objective can only be achieved with the commitment and complete support of every individual.

2019 Fred Shearer and Sons

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