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Prior to working on a project, you must be aware of the procedures for what to do in case of an emergency. You will need to know who to call and where to evacuate. Most projects will cover these procedures during orientation. A signal or alarm shall be designated by the GC or existing facility to initiate evacuation.

Prior to starting work, observe the area to identify exit routes, fire extinguisher locations and life safety equipment. Note them on your pre-task plan. If the signal or alarm to evacuate has been activated, or you are informed to evacuate, do so immediately. DO NOT stop to pick up tools. Quickly secure your work areas, exit the building and assemble at the evacuation assembly points. If you are not sure what to do in the event of an evacuation, please ask your Foreman to explain the procedure and the specific evacuation assembly areas to you.

Once in the assembly area, check in with your supervisor and report any hazardous conditions that are known to exist within the building. DO NOT leave the assembly area after an evacuation until directed by your Supervisor.

2019 Fred Shearer and Sons

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