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Employees who use Company electronic or telephonic equipment for communications and information transmittal, or receive from or store information into these systems, do so at their own risk. The equipment is the property of the Company and, as such, is to be used solely for job-related purposes. Excessive use of Company electronic or telephonic equipment for personal use is grounds for discipline, up to and including termination. Employees using access codes other than their own to retrieve any stored data or communication is strictly prohibited. Use of e-mail to send chain letters or spam is prohibited.

Any downloading of material which is not related to Company needs and purposes is not allowed. Also prohibited is the downloading of or installation on Company computers of application software either from the Internet or other sources. Such software may not only contain viruses but also may interfere with the functioning of Company software. Please do not
copy or disseminate material which is copyrighted. Accessing or downloading pornography is grounds for discipline up to and including termination.

Personal Instant Messaging is not allowed during working hours. Personal Instant Messaging may be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination.

The Company reserves the right to revoke the privileges of any user at any time. Conduct that interferes with the normal and proper operation of the information systems, that adversely affects the ability of others to use the systems, or which is harmful or offensive to others will not be permitted.

From time to time authorized personnel may monitor the use of the Company’s telephone and electronic equipment to ensure that the use of such is consistent with Company business. Employees have no expectation of privacy with respect to such equipment.

Employees who use Company-provided storage space or desks, in which to place their personal property during work hours are not protected by any expectation of privacy. The Company expressly reserves the right to check the contents of Company-provided storage space, desks or any equipment or areas within the organization at any time when there is a reasonable suspicion that the lockers contain Company property or items of contraband, including, but not limited to, alcohol, drugs, firearms, explosives or other material defined by the Company as prohibited.

2019 Fred Shearer and Sons

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